Tazaungdaing Fire Balloon Festival in Taunggyi

Last weekend, Evelyn and I travelled to the beautiful city of Taunggyi in Shan State for the Fire Balloon Festival. Thadingyut marks the beginning of the Festival of Lights for the entire following month, known as Tazaungdaing, ending at the full moon in November. The lovely people of Taunggyi and the surrounding area have decided the best way to celebrate the end of the Festival of Lights is to have a week-long fire balloon contest. From the pagoda at the top of the mountain above Taunggyi. The city below is on a plateau and about 1400 m above sea level. It was so lovely to be out of Yangon and breathing this wonderful fresh air. It does get cool at night, so it was also nice to wear jeans and a sweater for a change! The Festival grounds at night - more human-powered carnival rides! You know those pretty small paper balloons you always see people in Thailand lighting to send floating into the sky? Ya - the Fire Balloon Festival is like th...